Wednesday, November 7, 2012

done with clojure adventure

My all-time favorite language is kdb/q.  But we are living in a world where someday we have to deal with Java.

I was playing around with clojure in the context of interfacing with Java -- at the end of day, the only reason you want to use clojure is because you can use a functional programming language to explore the java world. Java itself is way to verbose for my taste.

First I got fed up by the painful way of calling inner class of java -- you have to use the full qualified class name, even after you imported it.

Adding jar to classpath is also a pain. You either use maven to install a local depository or have to deal with the intricacies of lein.

My favorite function "map" and "apply" doesn't work with java constructors. 

Also, when it comes to JavaFX, you'll be so fed up with the painful hurdles you have to get around to make it work...

Overall, it's a great language (it's a LISP!), however it's simply too painful when it comes to interop with Java. 

Now, I am going to explore with Scala -- which is not really pure functional but supposedly easier to interact with Java... 

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